Mon Mar 17 17:25:33 GMT 2008
Some simple rule:
If you use user authentication, make sure you check for it on the request page!
Check for SQL Injections
Check for JavaScript Injections
Keep the Business Logic on the server!
Don't assume every request is real!
Check the data with validation!
Look at the request’s header information and make sure it is correct[..]pascarello/2005/11/16/1132198968655.html
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Thu Nov 22 02:14:41 GMT 2007
My friends just complainting about they cannot view my photo, and the problem is only occur at IE but not safari, firefox and opera, guess what is the problem?
After a tedious checking, the issue is I use style="visibility:hidden; display:none;" to hidden the big images when displaying the thumbnail page and use javascript to show the big image one by one:
[javascript] (code to replace "main_planel" by big_images one by one) [/javascript]
[div id=main_planel/]
[img src = "thumbnail1.jpg"/]
[img src = "big_image1.jpg" style="visibility:hidden; display:none;"/]
[img src = "thumbnail2.jpg"/]
[img src = "big_image2.jpg" style="visibility:hidden; display:none;"/]
(Hope you get the idea)
For all other browsers ( namely FireFox, opera and safari, those image are not load until the script run. However, for IE, it just load all the big images once the page start to load :-/
Other issues in IE....[..]/08/06/single-line-of-html-crashes-ie-6/
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Wed Jul 05 04:17:43 GMT 2006
The downloadable one is only trim thing like white spaces and new line, but the online only one actally obfuscate your javascript[..]how-to-compress-javascript-files-safely/
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Fri Mar 31 09:41:37 GMT 2006
Add alt tag for all images
Use <label> to group <input> : , more detailed discussion: Accessible dynamic menu system: More to come...
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