Mon Jan 03 01:13:15 GMT 2011
An simple example of doing javascript unit test -[..]ray?entry=testing_javascript_with_groovy However this approach is too fake for me and easy to miss many thing, IMHO putting test a real environment is better
A site for javascript testing Test time in javascript -[..]avascript-simulating-time-in-jsunit.html And this is an example of using JDK6 scripting framework for testing javascript, pretty interesting , but probably not reflecting IE/MOZ behaviour - Use a scripting engine to test javascript -[..]nsanely-fast-full-stack-headless-testing
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Tue Nov 16 16:48:42 GMT 2010
Here is a more complicated framework, not looking good but still keep it here as the concept is interesting - The most excellent implementation for my need - - Don't use it as junit, "The whole point of Fit is to use HTML to speak the customer's language and fixtures to translate that language to code. " - Version control is #1 issue at that article
When use Fit/Fitness -[..]-do-i-use-for-acceptance-tests-atdd.html
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Sun Apr 05 17:25:04 GMT 2009
This is probably one of the most common question in software testing interview. This problem was first introduced by Myers, who was one of the first person to treat Software Testing as a different subject all together. This test check your ability to think about generating test data in a given condition.
Suppose your program accepts input as three sides of a triangle and gives output on what type of triangle is this i.e. Scalene (no sides are same), Isosceles (any two sides are same) or Equilateral (All the three sides are same). You have to come up with different test cases to test this program.
You can write your test cases here, by giving side of the triangles and evaluate your test data. Once you are done with all the test cases you can think of, check your performance. If you want to restart your test anytime, just click on the restart test button. I have not covered all the possible test cases here as idea is to give you sufficient information to get started.[..]er/154-triangle-test-in-software-testing
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Fri Jan 12 02:40:28 GMT 2007
A tools that support test base on log output for legucy program - And other similiar tools is vise - Both sound very useful for test legucy code
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