Tue Oct 18 17:41:16 GMT 2016 pgsqlhttp://www.javacodegeeks.com[..]0/introduction-to-postgresql-pljava.html PostgreSQL schema is way fast and easy to change than MySQL, although maybe slower - https://www.pgrs.net[..]grating-from-mysql-to-postgresql-slides/ Subindexes that can save you space and make updates faster by reusing an existing multi-column index. Expression indexes that speed up queries with WHERE clauses matching a function of the columns instead of raw values. Partial indexes that are much smaller than a complete index because they don't contain data that the app doesn't care about. http://blog.scoutapp.com[..]l-indexing-tricks-that-surprise-everyone Experience sharing, stored proc is better? http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2016/10/postgres-and-financial-arch (google search) (amazon search) second |