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Sat Sep 28 07:47:40 GMT 2024


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Sat May 03 09:07:22 GMT 2008 From /document/software+engineering


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Sat Mar 29 02:36:32 GMT 2008 From /document/software+engineering

Globally Distributed Agile Development

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Mon Mar 17 17:25:16 GMT 2008 From /document/software+design/Design+pattern+example+in+aspect+programming


Implementations of GoF Design Patterns in Java and AspectJ
Code base documentation


The goal was to provide parallel implementations in AspectJ and Java that
allow for direct comparisons. It has to be noted that most patterns offer
variability in the implementation approach. We choose the one that appeared
to be the most general. Sometimes, the AspectJ version implements a slightly
different (or additional) case(s). This is because AJ sometimes
allows for additional functionality. Please refer to the web page for a
detailed description of this work.

Example Setup

All pattern examples have a class called Main. This class is the test driver
for the particular example. The Main classes are extensively documented using
ajdoc, usually describing the experimental setup and the assignment of roles
to participants. In most cases, the differences between Java and AspectJ
implementations are also mentioned.

Documentation (ajdoc)

It is possible to generate the ajdoc documentation for either all examples,
for only the reusable library aspects, or for one particular example. Since
ajdoc shows type names without their package (on the left hand side), multiple
types with the same name (but residing in different packages) may be confused
when the documentation for all examples is generated.
==> Generate documentation for all examples: use the makeDocs batch file.
(1) Change to the directory that you extracted the ZIP archive into. (2)
Type "makeDocs" to generate the HTML documentation in the docs
==> Generate Documentation for the reusable library aspects: use the provided
makeLibraryDocs batch file. (1) Change to the directory that you extracted
the downloaded ZIP file into. (2) Type "makeLibraryDocs" to generate the
HTML documentation in the docs subdirectory.
==> Generate docs for a single example: use the makeSingleExampleDocs batch
file. (1) Change to the directory that you extracted the downloaded ZIP
file into. (2) Call the batch file. It needs two arguments: the name of
the pattern and the language used. For example, type:
"makeSingleExampleDocs singleton aspectj" or type:
"makeSingleExampleDocs templateMethod java".
Within the ajdoc documentation, we tried to separate type names from our
examples and role names (as presented in GoF). We show roles names in italics
and actual type names in code font. This is reflected in the ajdoc

Questions, feedback, suggestions, etc.
The AODP web page is
Please send all questions, feedback, and suggestions to Jan Hannemann
([email protected]). We are very much interested in improving our code.
Please do not hesitate to drop us a line.


This appendix outlines how to compile and run the examples provided, and how
to generate ajdoc documentation. A number of DOS batch files exist that
automate these tasks somewhat. Note that they only work in Windows
environments. The following is a list of tasks and a description of what
commands accomplish them. For compiling, running and generating documentation,
two options are given. The first one is using a provided script; the second is
the standard command-line option (longer, but will work on all operation

Set up your system:
1. Install Java and AspectJ
2. Make sure your CLASSPATH contains the current directory (denoted by a
period), e.g. CLASSPATH=.;C:\...
3. Extract the ZIP file into a directory of your choice
4. Change to that directory

Compile Java and AspectJ versions of a design pattern example (e.g. observer).
Choose one:
� makePattern observer
� ajc @examples\observer\files.lst

Run a compiled example (e.g. observer). Choose one:
� testPattern observer (this runs both Java and AspectJ versions)
� java (for the Java version),
java (for the AspectJ version)

Generate documentation for all examples. Choose one:
� makeDocs
� ajdoc -private -d docs @allPatterns.lst

Generate documentation for the library aspects. Choose one:
� makeLibraryDocs
� ajdoc -private -d docs ca.ubc.cs.spl.pattern.library

Generate documentation for a single example (e.g. the AspectJ version of the
observer example). Choose one:
� makeSingleExampleDocs observer aspectj
� ajdoc -private -d docs

View the generated documentation:
� Open the file index.html (located in the docs/ subdirectory) with your
favorite browser.

(google search) (amazon search)

Mon Mar 17 17:25:14 GMT 2008 From /document/security

Secure Linux

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 本人已做了不同方法, 務求令linux secure...
Date: 6 Dec 2004 23:55:18 +0800
From: 深海公子
Newsgroups: 3comp.linux
References: <[email protected]>

uninstall unused packages, keep minimum set of packages in ur server

update apache, openssl, openssh, kernel and other main packages in ur server,
i remember there are serious bugs in these packages of rh9

disable unused mod in apache, especially the user, status and dav mod.

in ssh, use only Cert Authentication, disable passwords, rhost auth ... etc
generate a 2048 bit and password protect cert to login ur server via ssh.

block incoming ping

use tripwire to monitor file changes.

separate important files that should not be changed to a read only partition/media, or a HD set to read only in BIOS.
remount it as RW when necessary.

> 請問還有什麼需要做...以求被人成功hack 入的機會減至最低呢...
disconnect from network ....

* 伺服器托管,伺服器租用,網頁儲存,網頁寄存,垃圾郵件,病毒,過濾


在郵件 news:[email protected] 中撰寫...
> 本人用redhat linux 9, 已做了:
> -update 左的rpm packages,
> -set 了個iptables, disable 左唔用d service
> -同埋限制某些ip 才可連入 ssh server(ssh not use port 22)
> -set 左 portsentry
> 本人個server 只有 apache, ssh 等..
> 請問還有什麼需要做...以求被人成功hack 入的機會減至最低呢...
> 請問各位有沒有這方面可以分亨一下
> thx ~
> --
> 10M"地獄火"寬頻免費試用3天


(google search) (amazon search)

Sat Jan 12 01:48:08 GMT 2008 From /document/misc


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Wed Oct 10 18:29:24 GMT 2007 From /document/software+engineering


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Fri May 25 16:59:36 GMT 2007 From /document/data+access

oracle fact

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Wed May 09 17:30:26 GMT 2007 From /document/software+engineering

Software Metric Mine field

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Sat Apr 07 14:48:10 GMT 2007 From /document/web+authoring

The Elements of User Experience

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Mon Feb 26 07:12:12 GMT 2007 From /document/software+design


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Mon Feb 26 07:10:52 GMT 2007 From /document/software+design


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Thu Feb 22 03:22:56 GMT 2007 From /document/java/articles

junit4 reference

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Sat Jan 06 05:29:14 GMT 2007 From /document/parsing

Compiler Construction

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Wed Dec 20 07:08:34 GMT 2006 From /document/java/articles


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Mon Dec 18 03:15:44 GMT 2006 From /document/software+design


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Wed Nov 29 17:30:56 GMT 2006 From /document/software+engineering


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Tue Aug 29 15:09:16 GMT 2006 From /document/software+engineering/testing/qa+checklist


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Tue Aug 29 15:08:44 GMT 2006 From /document/software+engineering/testing/qa+checklist

QA_ Code_Review_Supplementary

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Tue Aug 29 15:08:44 GMT 2006 From /document/software+engineering/testing/qa+checklist


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Wed Aug 23 14:57:42 GMT 2006 From /document/web+authoring

javascript for xml processing

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Wed Jul 26 15:34:58 GMT 2006 From /document/elearning

netd - majorclients

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Wed Jul 26 15:34:30 GMT 2006 From /document/elearning


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Wed Jul 26 15:33:34 GMT 2006 From /document/elearning


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Wed Jul 26 15:33:10 GMT 2006 From /document/elearning

VCampus CAMEO-508 results (I)

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Wed Jul 26 15:33:04 GMT 2006 From /document/elearning

VCampus CAMEO-508 Results(II)

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