Thu Dec 29 15:35:42 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design
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download zip of files only Thu Dec 29 15:35:42 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design Vernon_2011_1(google search) (amazon search) Tue Nov 29 18:32:38 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design StrangeLoop2011-DeanWampler-HeresiesandDogmasinSoftwareDevelopment(google search) (amazon search) Fri Oct 21 16:32:50 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design Cheatsheet-Performance-Principles-Patterns-and-Anti-Patterns(google search) (amazon search) Sun Jul 24 16:08:36 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design 02-Code-Quality(google search) (amazon search) Sun Jul 24 14:36:08 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design Object-Oriented(google search) (amazon search) Thu Jun 30 17:02:38 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design practical-file-system-design(google search) (amazon search) Wed Mar 23 15:58:22 GMT 2011 From /document/software+design _atlantic_monthly-broken_windows(google search) (amazon search) Sat Apr 18 19:10:26 GMT 2009 From /document/software+design Evolving Frameworks_ A Pattern Language(google search) (amazon search) Wed Sep 17 15:08:22 GMT 2008 From /document/software+design search) (amazon search) Mon Feb 26 07:12:12 GMT 2007 From /document/software+design ExampleOfGoodAPI(google search) (amazon search) Mon Feb 26 07:10:52 GMT 2007 From /document/software+design HowToDesignGoodAPI(google search) (amazon search) Mon Dec 18 03:15:44 GMT 2006 From /document/software+design dddquickly(google search) (amazon search) Tue Jun 13 15:09:58 GMT 2006 From /document/software+design Event-driven Architectures(google search) (amazon search) Tue Mar 21 10:27:32 GMT 2006 From /document/software+design AdvancedPrinciplesOfClassDesign(google search) (amazon search) Tue Mar 21 05:06:12 GMT 2006 From /document/software+design short present of how to make good API design(google search) (amazon search) Wed Jul 07 16:00:00 GMT 2004 From /document/software+design pattern examples(google search) (amazon search) Tue Jun 08 16:00:00 GMT 2004 From /document/software+design architect comment pattern---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 17:16:33 +0200 From: John Favaro Reply-To: [email protected] To: Yahoo XP Group Subject: [XP] An architect's comments on patterns In a recent thread I passed on some comments from my brother, who is an architect, on the "design-build" paradigm. I had asked him what he knew about it, since there was interest in the software engineering community as an analogy to optional scope contracts; and I was interested in hearing at least one architect's point of view. The resulting discussion was interesting enough that I decided What The Heck Let's Go All The Way and I asked my brother another question: "What do you know about Christopher Alexander? His concept of patterns has generated a great deal of interest in the software engineering world." Here is his response: "He was a kind of guru in the 60's and 70's. "the 'patterns' refers essentially to 'tradition' ; his basic point being that over 5,000 years immutable patterns of building and architecture emerge that we can rely on when taking on a building design; (for example, if you look at good rooms in domestic settings the best ones always seem to have windows on two sides, preferably opposite sides) He came up with 'patterns' instead of 'tradition' because it was Berkeley in the sixties when tradition was seen as oppressive, euro-centric and 'irrelevant'. He wanted to catalogue all the patterns of architecture in the history of the world (all over the world, not just Europe of course) in the belief that there would be a scientific way to get to good design--therefore avoiding the role of culture (because culture requires values and judgment and whose culture are we talking about anyway?) Of course it didn't work because architecture is an art not a science. And his concept of patterns is ten times more oppressive than the concept of the context of tradition as the fertile ground within which innovation thrives (innovation is all about finding the exception to the rule that changes the way we look at the rules, and sometimes even the rules themselves). The buildings he actually produced (not very many, small residences) ended up being ultra-conservative (very eurocentric, in fact, like little Austrian cottages) and not very remarkable. "computer science is a science but I have a feeling that computer applications are as much an art as a science, since they're about tailoring to specific needs, making choices and judgments, relating choices to a set of values on behalf of the client, etc. "that's why the design-build analogy is big trouble because the intent is to cut the 'artist' out of the equation--let the accountants drive the choices, after all it's all cut and dry right?, it's all just science; that's what the HMO's have done to doctors and medicine; our field went through it after WWII--you're next. "run for your life..." (Yes, he can be a bit provocative and dramatic) In a second message he added this: "well, the solution is to train the computer consultants to be responsible about budget and schedule--that time and money are as potent in creative possibility as anything else; the solution is not to cut them out of the picture altogether; that just leads to self-fulfilling ends--assume the consultant is only interested in design, let him focus on that in the vacuum of budget and schedule and 'we'll handle that part (even though we don't know what the hell he's talking about),' thus setting up a relationship of conflict and misunderstanding from the beginning and encouraging the designer to be irresponsible and narrowly focused; "you treat people like children, they're going to act like children;" Since I saw it first, I guess I get to make the first comments :-) - after all the opinions expressed by us software guys about the architecture field, it's kind of funny to see an architect commenting on OUR field. - regarding his opinion on Alexander's work ... well, it certainly made for interesting reading. Whether his opinion is universally shared in the world of architecture I don't know. One possibility that occurs to me is that my brother's goals for a successful building might be different from Alexander' s. What he did seem to be implying, however, is that Alexander ultimately did not have a lasting influence in the world of architecture. Again, I don' t know how true that is. - I did find interesting his insistence on measuring Alexander's ideas by the buildings that were actually built with them. That meshes well with the centricity of code artifacts in XP, as the principal measure of results. - regarding his characterization of the nature of computer applications, I thought he did pretty well, actually. - when he starts talking about design-build again, I think this is once more where the difference between our contexts comes out. As Dan Palanza and others explained in the earlier thread, XP in particular is doing a lot to eliminate the antagonistic relationship between design and build in our context. Likewise the emphasis in agile development on accepted responsibility for time and budget considerations. The analogy to his warning about designers working in a vacuum of time and budget constraints in our situation might be that of *requirements analysts* working in vacuum of time and budget constraints, something Martin Fowler has also commented on. Perhaps the overriding impression I get from all this is that, as others have written recently, maybe we shouldn't push quite as hard as we do to find perfect analogies between our world and the architectural world every single time. Patterns and design-build may not have been successful in the architectural world (if that's even true) -- but nobody doubts any more that patterns have been hugely successful in the software world; and it looks like the design-build paradigm as it is being tailored and applied in the software world (e.g. with optional scope contracts) will probably be successful, too. To each his own context. John (google search) (amazon search) Sun May 30 16:00:00 GMT 2004 From /document/software+design replace Conditional With Visitor(google search) (amazon search) Wed Aug 27 16:00:00 GMT 2003 From /document/software+design Essence Pattern(google search) (amazon search) Wed May 21 16:00:00 GMT 2003 From /document/software+design mapping Objects(google search) (amazon search) Wed May 07 16:00:00 GMT 2003 From /document/software+design Keiron Domain Model Centric(google search) (amazon search) Tue Apr 09 16:00:00 GMT 2002 From /document/software+design pattern 201(google search) (amazon search) Fri Feb 08 16:00:00 GMT 2002 From /document/software+design open close principle(google search) (amazon search) Thu Jan 17 16:00:00 GMT 2002 From /document/software+design pattern 101(google search) (amazon search) Mon Aug 20 16:00:00 GMT 2001 From /document/software+design uml diagrams(google search) (amazon search) Tue Jul 03 16:00:00 GMT 2001 From /document/software+design comment of comment(google search) (amazon search) Tue Jul 03 16:00:00 GMT 2001 From /document/software+design complexity(google search) (amazon search) Tue Jul 03 16:00:00 GMT 2001 From /document/software+design programmingSubject: Re: Some programming problem of Newbie Date: 4 Aug 1999 10:59:35 +0100 From: [email protected] (John D Salt) Organization: Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK Newsgroups: In article <[email protected]>, Carfield Yim >I know that it is good to writing pesudo code before implentation. >But everytime I want to start to write pesudo code, I don't know how to >start, especially when doing program in visual tools (e.g.:C++ Builder). >And so I keep in delay and delay, at last, I go back to writing code >directly after knowing what should I do. > >I just wonder, how can I train myself to follow good programming >practice? Any book can help me? First of all, I wouldn't worry too much about following your preception of other people's idea of "good programming practice". What's "good" is what's good for you, and programming people have very different individual tastes and practises. Still, whether you use pseudo-code or not, it's pretty obvious that you should have some idea what you want to write before you write it. How much of a "programming plan" do you have before you dive into code? Do you keep hand-written notes beside the terminal as you go along? Do you ever make large changes to what you're coding just to get it to compile? It also matters what style of programming you're attempting. If you're using C++ to create object-oriented applications, I'd say pseudo-code is probably not a good way to get a clear picture of the overall structure of the program. For O-O development, restrict pseudo-code to the internals of individual methods (and many methods will be so simple they don't need pseudocode at all). Use something like CRC cards to help you shape the class structures, responsibilities and interactions. If you still need to write pseudocode but can't seem to get started, try some or all of the following: * Write by hand, not by machine. * Start with the universal problem-solving Nassi-Schniederman diagram: +----------------------------+ | Begin | +----------------------------+ || Solve_Problem || +----------------------------+ | End | +----------------------------+ ...then refine it incrementally. There's obviously no problem "getting started" here, as the start step is the same for everything. Yes, I know it sounds daft, but it works for me. * Try focusing on the data structures first rather than control structures first. * Don't be afraid to throw rough work away, often. * Take a nip of whisky before you start to get the creative juices flowing. It's possible that the programs you're trying to code now are simple enough that you can see the whole answer in your head at once. In this case, pseudo-code (or any other design technique) may seem not to be very useful. If this is the case, try a problem so big or so hard you can't see the whole answer (or even the whole problem!) all in one go. All the best, John. -- John D Salt Dept of IS & Computing,| Barr's Law of Recursive Futility Brunel U, Uxbridge, Middx UB8 3PH | [BLORF]: If you are smart enough Disclaimers: I speak only for me. | to use one of these... you can Launcher may train without warning.| probably manage without one. (google search) (amazon search) Tue Jul 03 16:00:00 GMT 2001 From /document/software+design recursive(google search) (amazon search) Wed Sep 22 16:00:00 GMT 1999 From /document/software+design Pattern Detection(google search) (amazon search) |