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Mon Jun 12 16:00:00 GMT 2000
/** * Title: MakeWordNetCache<p> * Description: Reads WordNet 1.6 index files and makes a part of speech * serialized file consisting of 4 Java hash tables (for adj, * adv, noun, and verb). * Copyright: Copyright (c) by Mark Watson, 2000<p> * @author Mark Watson * @version 1.1 */ /** Wordnet 1.6 Copyright and License: 1 This software and database is being provided to you, the LICENSEE, by 2 Princeton University under the following license. By obtaining, using 3 and/or copying this software and database, you agree that you have 4 read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions.: 5 6 Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and 7 database and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or 8 royalty is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with 9 the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, 10 and that the same appear on ALL copies of the software, database and 11 documentation, including modifications that you make for internal 12 use or for distribution. 13 14 WordNet 1.6 Copyright 1997 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. 15 16 THIS SOFTWARE AND DATABASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND PRINCETON 17 UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR 18 IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PRINCETON 19 UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- 20 ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE 21 OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, DATABASE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT 22 INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR 23 OTHER RIGHTS. 24 25 The name of Princeton University or Princeton may not be used in 26 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software 28 and/or database. Title to copyright in this software, database and 29 any associated documentation shall at all times remain with 30 Princeton University and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. */ import*; import java.util.*; public class MakeWordNetCache { Hashtable adj = new Hashtable(); Hashtable adv = new Hashtable(); Hashtable noun = new Hashtable(); Hashtable verb = new Hashtable(); public MakeWordNetCache() { helper("index.adj", adj); helper("index.adv", adv); helper("index.noun", noun); helper("index.verb", verb); //System.out.println(verb.get("run")); try { FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream("wncache.dat"); ObjectOutputStream p = new ObjectOutputStream(ostream); p.writeObject(adj); p.writeObject(adv); p.writeObject(noun); p.writeObject(verb); p.flush(); ostream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Boolean t = new Boolean(true); public void helper(String file, Hashtable hash) { int count = 0; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); // skip copyright notice: for (int i=0; i<30; i++) br.readLine(); while (true) { String line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; line = line.trim(); int index1 = line.indexOf(" "); if (index1 == -1) continue; line = line.substring(0, index1); int index2 = line.indexOf("."); if (index2 != -1) continue; index2 = line.indexOf("_"); if (index2 != -1) continue; line = line.toLowerCase(); Object o = hash.get(line); if (o == null) { hash.put(line, t); //System.out.println(file + " : " + line); count++; } } System.out.println("" + count + " words added for " + file); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { MakeWordNetCache MakeWordNetCache1 = new MakeWordNetCache(); } }
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